Whole wellness, like everything, takes practice to do it well. There is no one size fits all version that anyone and everyone can do. People are complex, with many layers heart, mind, body, and soul. We are born with the instinct of self love in a tiny body that uses that instinct to beckon others into caring for us, loving us as we love ourselves. Imagine for a moment that from our birth this feeling was reinforced throughout life. Each child learning that self love is our natural instinct and in using it we create a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. Close your eyes a moment and envision what the world looks like when this is applied to every child, every day from birth.
Self love is our only instinct we are born with, everything else is a learned behavior. If our core instinct is ignored our learned behaviors are often misaligned with our basic requirements. Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit.
There are moments when we realize that we need to take better care of ourselves and when we focus on the areas we want to change or "fix" other areas tend to be let go. There is no magic in keeping a healthy balance, it is simply practice. First is to decide what it is that your healthy lifestyle is in your everyday live. This means looking at the things you want in your life that bring you joy, aligning thoughts to work towards your goals, keeping your body healthy and active, all so you can show up as who you are in spirit. Your Spirit is the combination of your Heart, Mind and Body are aligned with each other. Every aspect of who we are needs care and consideration in daily life to live and be our best version of who we are.
The Psi-Quanta Lifestyle will be covering each aspect of whole wellness, how they connect, and how to easily unite spiritual living in a practical world. Updates coming soon.